5th International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, CONV-22 June 5-10, 2022, Izmir, Turkey - REGISTRATION FORM
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* The fees for both delegates and students cover participation in all technical sessions, a welcome reception, a book of abstracts, proceedings, coffee breaks, but does not include lunches, social dinner, airport transports, sight-seeing tours and trips. In case of cancellation after the payment, 100 Euros will be deducted from the registration fee and the rest will be reimbursed. * For bank transfers, please send us a copy of the bank transfer document so that we can trace the payment. If the bank withholds a transfer fee from total amount, we will ask you to pay the outstanding amount on-site in cash. *For bank transfers, please send us (ichmt@ichmt.org) a copy of the bank transfer document so that we can trace the payment