11th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (RAD-25), in KoruMar Hotel De Luxe, Kuşadasi, Türkiye, on June 15-20, 2025

(115 Euros)

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After April 15, Regular price will be 600, and Student Price will be 300 Euros, respectively.

Since the venue is an All-Inclusive hotel, the participants who prefer to stay in another location need to pay the fee for the daily use of the hotel facilities between 9:00 – 18:00 (including lunch, pool, coffee breaks).

The fees for both regular and student cover participation in all technical sessions, symposium proceedings (on a flash disk), book of abstracts, coffee breaks, but does not include sight-seeing tours, trips, and airport transfers. * In case of cancellation after the payment, 100 Euros will be deducted from the paid registration fee and the rest will be reimbursed. * For bank transfers, please send us (ichmt@ichmt.org) a copy of the bank transfer document so that we can trace the payment. If the bank withholds a transfer fee from total amount, we will ask you to pay the outstanding amount on-site in cash.